Link Whisper Lifetime Deal, Review, Discount Code & More 2024

Interlinking is important for your website’s SEO score. Link Whisper is a WordPress interlinking plugin that you just can’t afford to miss. This article is all about Link Whisper Lifetime Deal, its review, features & how to use and more.

Many bloggers are struggling with internally linking their posts. Link Whisper builds smart internal links and boosts search engine ranking. Once you add Link Whisper to your site, you’ll never think about internal links again. Instead, it will do that!

I’m using Link Whisper for quite a long time. It saves my time, and money; helps to grow site traffic and improves my interlinking strategy. It makes managing and adding interlinking jobs inside my blog insanely simple. Let’s see more;

Link Whisper Lifetime Deal & Review | Building Smart Internal Links Just Got Easier

[Disclaimer: This is to inform you that if you buy using the links on this site, we may earn a ‘thank you’ commission but not from your wallet. This helps me to keep creating honest reviews, regularly.]

What is Internal Link Building?

Internal link building or interlinking is a practice of linking different posts together inside the blog that boosts your SEO score and helps to keep an audience on your posts. By doing so you also help your audience find more precious content on your website.

There are two ways of internally linking your posts; one is manually and the other is using a third-party tool link Link Whisper for creating internal links for you.

What is Link Whisper?

Link Whisper is a WordPress internal link-building tool that helps to add internal links within different posts on your website. It studies your website with its NLP (Natural Language Processing) technology to realize the content and the links between them and advises interlinking options based on your settings.

Using Link Whisper, you simply need to select the links to add, and it will automatically insert them into your content. This wonderful AI-powered internal link-building plugin helps to boost your website rankings. 

Who Is Link Whisper Best For?

Link Whisper is mostly best for;

  • SEO specialists.
  • Bloggers.
  • Marketers.
  • Editors. 
  • Content marketers. 
  • Website owner.

How Does Link Whisper Work?

Link Whisper uses an AI-powered algorithm to find all the related internal link prospects on your website and generates high-quality internal links in a few clicks. This WordPress plugin can be easily installed on your site and start building related internal links without any trouble.

Why You Should Use Link Whisper?

The top-most benefit of using Link Whisper is that it helps to improve the overall SEO score of your site by increasing the number of internal links on the site. Here is some more logics to use Link Whisper for your website;

Automatic Linking of Posts

Link Whisper help to build links between existing posts automatically. It recognizes all the related internal links on your website, and then gives you the option to add internal links to any dated posts that do not have any internal links.  

By using this plugin, you can easily add internal links to your website without having to go through each page manually. It saves you time and improves the value of your blog posts for both visitors and search engines.

AI-Powered Internal Link Suggestion

Unlike many other plugins, Link Whisper use Artificial Intelligence (AI) to build your site’s relevant internal links. It studies your post as you start writing with its smart algorithm. And if you click the button, it’ll show all the link suggestions along with the option to add links. So it saves you valuable time.

Link Reporting

As well as studying internal links, it allows you to find how many posts have internal links. Additionally, showing the number of inbound links that are coming to the article, it also let you know the number of outbound links.

You can access the Link whisper report from your WordPress dashboard by clicking on the icon in the sidebar. Then see the exact number of the following items on the thorough reports dashboard

  • Inbound internal links.
  • Outbound internal links.
  • Outbound external links.

Google Search Console Integration

Google search console reports can be recovered from Link Whisper if you integrate it with your Google account. By doing this, it will reflect keywords you previously ranked for on second and higher pages of search results.

To rank higher, you can add internal links covering these keywords- on the off chance that bloggers need this exactly. Internal linking using keywords you’re previously ranking for is the most underused tactic.

Eventually, it also shows the CTR, position, impressions, and clicks for the target keyword. Simply go to the Link Whisper plugin settings and click on allow to join your Link Whisper account with your Google Search Console account.

You can even set your lively target keywords with Link Whisper if you have Yoast SEO or Rank Math previously mounted on your site.

Target Keyword

Presently, Links Whisper offers target keywords for posts and pages. The target keyword that you use for a blog post can be set in Google SERPs. Link Whisper will robotically show internal link ideas that mention your target keyword or differences first.

However, you need to tell it this is the keyword you want this page to rank for. Then it will simplify the finding and idea of internal links with higher authority.

Exchanging Broken Links

Broken links are treated as unwanted guests by search engines and visitors as well. The quality of your website contents may be affected if you have broken links on your site. But fixing them manually is time-consuming.

Here, Link Whisper can rescue you. It will help you find all the broken links on your website and help you fix them fast. Your website’s search engine rankings improve as a result of fixing broken links, resulting in more visitors to your blog.

Key Features of Link Whisper

Link Whisper WordPress plugin is packed with numerous remarkable features. Some of those are;

 Add Target Keywords

Link Whisper scans your website thoroughly and robotically discovers active target keywords in your posts. And then recommend interlinking options based on these keywords. So you can use the suggested keyword as anchor texts for conveying your users to specific links.

However, this feature would be helpful to you if you use WordPress SEO plugins like Rank Math or Yoast SEO.


This is super helpful for an affiliate marketer. Based on keywords, Link Whisper helps you automatically add internal and external links to posts on your site. For example, if you use the “iPhone” keyword in any of your posts, you can use it as anchor text and set an affiliate link for this keyword.

So, whenever you mention this keyword in your posts, it would direct the reader to your affiliate post. You can also tailor your settings based on your need using Link Whisper. Don’t forget to enable the “only link once per post” option so that it does not add a link on all the cases of your keyword. 

URL Changer

Link Whisper allows you to convey a URL to a new address easily using its URL Changer feature. For that, you simply need to add the old URL and the new one. All the examples of that URL will be robotically changed with the new one. 

Google Search Console Addition

This is another helpful feature that Link Whisper provides. Integrating with Google Search Console let’s you get your website traffic data insight. So you can easily find the keywords on your blog that are performing. 

Eventually, you can fine-tune the target keywords and set internal links further purposefully. This would help to boost your SEO score and search engine ranking.

Modify Link Settings

Link Whisper allows you to modify your link settings for a further good results. For instance, using this tremendous tool, you are allowed to do the following;

  • Specify if the links will open up in a new tab.
  • Set your preferred language.
  • Ignore precise words, posts, or groups while linking. 
  • Insert the number of sentences to skip while linking.
  • Fix post position and type.
  • Identify the links that you want to mark as external, e.g. Affiliate links.

Outstanding Customer Support 

Link Whisper offers outstanding customer support via email to its customers through its skilled, gentle and experienced support team. Also, you will find good knowledge from their video tutorials, blog posts, etc. on how to use the Link Whisper tool successfully. 

Link Whisper Pros 

  • User-friendly.
  • Link Work Post Deletion.
  • Lightweight.
  • Supports Multiple Languages.
  • Friendly with Most Editors and Themes.
  • Good Ideas Offered.
  • Clean Links.

Link Whisper Cons

  • Unable to Remove Made Links in Bulk.
  • Basic SEO Knowledge Needed.
  • Often Creates Inapt Results.

Link Whisper Pricing

Free Version 

The free version of Link Whisper comes with quite limited in its features and this version is good for beginners. See more here

Premium Version

They offer 3 different pricing plans according to the number of sites you want to use it on. See details here.

Link Whisper Lifetime Deal

The good news is Link Whisper often offers Lifetime Deals for its users. So keep an eye on Link Whisper update pricing and grab the deal if you found.

Link Whisper Coupon Code

Apart from the regular pricing packages, Link Whisper also sometimes offers Coupon Code (frequently by third-party) that might be a great chance to saving huge bucks!

Link Whisper Alternatives

There are numerous alternatives to Link Whisper, but none of them is as powerful and efficient. Internal Link Juicer and Internal Links Manager are the most popular alternatives to Link Whisper. Both of them are WordPress plugins that work manually and automatically. 

But you need to do is specify keywords and add links matching them. Whereas, Link Whisper stands out with its insightful Link Stats, Link Reports, Advanced Link Building, additional Link Settings, etc.

Frequently Asked Questions

Is There Any Money Back Guarantee Offered by Link Whisper?

Yes, if you want a refund, you may do so up to 30 days after the buying.

When I Uninstall or Cancel Link Whisper, What Happens To My Links?

If you cancel or uninstall your Link Whisper subscription, all your links remain intact.

Is It Worth The Money?

Of course! Link Whisper helps to rank your site higher in the search engine by boosting your SEO score. 

Why is Link Whisper Best for Bloggers?

Because it helps users fortify their website and the website’s internal links. It uses SEO tools to improve site content by creating keywords linked to your topics.

Why Is Internal Linking Important?

Internal linking helps to rank websites higher in search engines. It also helps dropshipping sites or eCommerce sites get more visibility in search engines and retain visitors.

How to Do Internal Linking for SEO without A Plugin?

There are 3 main ways to do internal linking without using a plugin;

  • Manually.
  • Google site search.
  • SEO tool.

Link Whisper Review | The Verdict

Link Whisper is an outstanding internal link-building plugin that would work best for budding bloggers and content marketers. If you have a WordPress site with more than 100 contents and you are regularly adding to it, then Link Whisper would be the best option to boost your SEO rankings and engagement.

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